Reinventing the employee experience: a key challenge for HR
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Reinventing the employee experience: a key challenge for HR

How to reinvent the employee experience in order to strengthen the attractiveness and retention of talent within large groups? To obtain answers to this question, around thirty HR Directors, Talent Managers and Training Managers went to the launch party of “Craft Your Job” on 13 March. Associate the Design Thinking And theExecutive Coaching to re-enchant the employee experience and strengthen the commitment of talent, this is the objective of this new support co-constructed by Talentis and InProcess. After a presentation of the offer, the guests were able to benefit from the testimony of Catherine Mabileau, Senior Vice President, HR for Western Europe at L'Oréal and Cécile Mortureux, Employee Experience Manager, EMEA HQ at Ubisoft, on the mechanisms put in place by these two major groups to Reinventing the employee experience.

An offer that meets a major challenge for large groups: the attractiveness, development and retention of talent.

As pointed out Catherine Mabileau, Senior Vice President, HR for Western Europe at L'Oréal, during his speech: “The major challenge for large groups is to find a way to attract and retain the best talent. At L'Oréal, we have had a real in-depth reflection to create the conditions for people to perform, undertake, contribute, and at the same time receive recognition.” An observation shared by Cécile Mortureux, Employee Experience Manager, EMEA HQ at Ubisoft: “Ubisoft is one of the first major groups to have created functions specially dedicated to optimizing the employee experience. This switch was born from a simple observation: we are a very “consumer-centric” company. “, why not apply the methods we use to satisfy?

réinventer l'expérience collaborateur

Cécile Mabileau, Senior Vice President, HR for Western Europe at L'Oréal, and Cécile Mortureux, Employee Experience Manager, EMEA HQ at UBISOFT EMEA, testified about the importance of promoting the employee experience in large groups. “Our customers going internally? Indeed, if we do not meet the expectations of employees on a daily basis, then the latter does not stay.” This “symmetry of attention”, which pushes companies to consider their employees in the same way as the end customer, is the first reason that prompted Talentis and InProcess to create support “Craft Your Job”. Indeed, the existence of a strong link between the satisfaction of employees on a daily basis, their commitment, and customer satisfaction is well established. What motivates employees today is the opportunity to experience same experience than the one they experience in their personal and professional lives: more autonomy, fluidity, and therefore less hierarchical burden and administrative processes.

Craft Your Job: Design Thinking and Executive Coaching at the service of the employee experience.

The second idea behind the creation of Craft Your Job, is the transition from a logic of “change management” to a logic of rapid and permanent innovation in the field of Human Resources: investing in HR innovation, as much as for customers. This is what was done at L'Oréal, as Cécile Mabileau indicates: “We decided to work in particular on the experience of HR teams during “country visits” by carrying out a complete mapping of the process to know how to optimize it. It was a bit of a confusing experience as it required a complete change in posture. Here, it was no longer a question of directly applying a ready-made solution in “top-down” mode, but of working together, in Design Thinking, on ways to improve this HR experience.” These innovations, which create a radical change of position for the company's historical “experts” (managers, managers, etc.), make it necessary for them to be supported by Executive Coaches. Indeed, when previously we entered the company in “our little shoes”, and did what we were told to do, today the younger generations are much more uninhibited, and it often happens that the new “entrants” are at the same time the new “experts”. Hence the need to spread a culture of parity within companies. This brings new challenges related to leadership, posture and roles. Issues that need to be worked with Talentis Executive Coaches.

“On-boarding” at Ubisoft, an example of a re-designed employee experience.

Cécile Mortureux, Employee Experience Manager, EMEA HQ at Ubisoft shared with us the work that has been done at Ubisoft to think about how to optimize the first year of an employee in the company. Explanations: “An employee's first year is critical for several reasons. It indeed determines his desire to stay, to leave, but also the tools he needs to succeed etc... Our preparatory work consisted in identifying the different stages of this famous first year (the HR meeting points in particular). We found that one was missing crucial point at 6 months. Since then, we have put in place an additional milestone after 6 months and I must say that the employees are very happy with this famous point. They like to share with HR teams and thus be more the actors of their own. development. This point is very beneficial because it makes it possible to detect lack of commitment earlier or, on the contrary, hidden skills that could lead to specific developments within the company. By supporting them in preparing for their own future, we have given employees even more confidence, we have strengthened their “empowerment”.”

Design Thinking benefits: employees and managers who are the own “designers” of their changes in working methods.

Catherine Mabileau, Senior Vice President, HR for Western Europe at L'Oréal: “It is essential not to focus only on the employee but rather to work on the Triptych manager, collaborator, HR. The idea is to strengthen the empowerment of the employee, but also that of the manager. If you want the manager to become a manager who develops talent, you have to give him the keys.” That is why Talentis and InProcess have co-built a program whose particularity is that it can be applied at all levels (employees, managers, HR managers, etc.). All this using a “reflective” coaching : permanent feedback, work on postures... The objective is to make employees work on directly applicable solutions in order to very quickly arrive at concrete and experimentable prototypes. A working method that has already been tested by Cécile Mortureux, Employee Experience Manager, EMEA HQ at Ubisoft, within her organization: “We applied modalities similar to those of Craft Your Job during a reflection 2 years ago about a problem that affected work/life balance. We administered a questionnaire to the collaborators, the results of which we shared with them so that they could comment on them. This made it possible to identify specific moments that they wanted to work on, then to create “task forces” to propose solutions to the problem, then modeling phases to test these solutions.” Give employees the tools and have them supported by Executive Coaches for them to reinvent their employee experience themselves, these are the objectives of Craft Your Job.

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