Managers: how to manage your emotions in all circumstances
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Managers: how to manage your emotions in all circumstances

You can learn to control your stress and establish your leadership without letting it win over by anger or anxiety. Valérie Rocoplan, coach and founder of Talentis, gives us the keys to flexible and assertive management to better manage emotions.

Emotion is a great driver... provided you know how to use it wisely. Transforming this energy that moves us, not letting ourselves be overwhelmed by stressful situations, that is the challenge of the manager. A bet to be won on a daily basis since the life of a company is punctuated by stressful situations that are not always easy to respond to.

Let us be reassured, however: the most emotional or the most sensitive people are no less competent than the others. Therefore, there is no question of suppressing emotions: It is simply a matter of letting them express themselves with respect for themselves and for the person they are talking to. In short, to keep your Self-Control and to be able to remain firm in substance, but flexible in form. Assertiveness is exactly the opposite of aggressiveness, passivity or manipulation: assertiveness means not giving in on substance without breaking the dialogue with your interlocutors.

Acquiring the relational maturity necessary to deal with any delicate situation, and managing to combine self-awareness, of others and of the relationship, can be learned.

Becoming self-aware

“Know yourself.” Here, Socratic thinking takes on its full meaning. To apprehend your emotions, control them and not let yourself be invaded by them, it is a question of controlling them and adapting them according to the situation encountered.

Becoming self-aware means thinking and introspecting in order to be able to recognize and accept your goals and skills. It's also asking yourself the right questions:

  • What are emotions That I show ? And those That I don't show ?
  • What are the situations That prevent me to maintain my assertiveness?
  • What are the situations Who pass me by from a state of serenity to a state of stress?
  • What are the factors That prevent me to stay zen?
  • What would happen if I said the same things in a more serene way and more respectful?
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