Managerial transformation: how to move from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset?
Léa Zolli Durand
Léa Zolli Durand

Managerial transformation: how to move from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset?

When talking about the “growth mindset”, it is essential to understand the philosophy behind this concept. It is believing in our ability to develop ourselves continuously (skills, personality...) throughout our lives. This concept, popularized by Stanford University professor Carol Dweck over 30 years ago, highlights the connection between time and effort invested in our personal development and performance.

I. What are the keys to moving from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset

Going from a “fixed mindset” (a state of mind that changes little) to a “growth mindset” requires a change in mentality and an openness to new perspectives. At Talentis, we have identified five keys to help you.

1. Opening the door to difficulties

It is essential to be open to challenges and not to resign yourself to them. Challenges should be viewed as opportunities for growth and learning.

To adopt this approach, it is crucial to review the perception of difficulties. Instead of seeing them as obstacles, you can think of them as puzzles to be solved. This includes cultivating resilience and developing strategies to approach challenges with curiosity and optimism. An important element is to create an environment where experimentation and learning are valued more than immediate results.

2. Accepting failure as a step to success

Failure should not be seen as an insurmountable obstacle, but rather as a platform for future success. It is important to learn from your mistakes and to persevere despite setbacks.

This step requires redefining the concept of failure. It's about turning it into a learning experience, where each failure is a lesson that brings success closer. This means understanding that the path to success is often non-linear and full of obstacles that are opportunities to learn and develop.

3. Take calculated risks

The “growth mindset” encourages you to leave your comfort zone and to dare. Taking measured risks can lead to unexpected discoveries and significant personal growth.

Adopting a “growth mindset” from this perspective means recognizing that comfort and growth don't coexist all the time. Assessing risks and making informed decisions while being ready to dive into the unknown is critical. It also requires developing a tolerance for uncertainty and accepting that failure is a part of the discovery process.

4. Be inspired by others

Observing and valuing the successes of others can serve as inspiration for our own development. The successes of others can be a source of motivation.

This involves cultivating an attitude of continuous learning through observation and interaction with others. This may include mentoring, or simply looking at the successes and failures of others to learn from them. It's about recognizing that everyone has something to teach, and that learning is a collaborative and ongoing process.

5. Accept constructive feedback

Constructive criticism should not be seen as attacks, but as opportunities for improvement. They can help refine our solutions and make progress.

This requires developing an attitude that is open to criticism, separating personal emotions from objective feedback, and seeing them as opportunities for growth. It also means knowing how to ask for and receive feedback, analyze it critically, and use it to refine approaches and strategies.

II. How to create an environment favorable to Growth Mindset in business?

So how do you establish a “growth mindset” within your company?

1. Foster collaboration and knowledge sharing

Encourage collaboration between team members and value the sharing of knowledge. Create an ecosystem where everyone can develop new skills and expertise.

2. Cultivating a feedback culture

The feedback culture must be deeply rooted in the company. Encourage the constructive exchange of opinions and comments to stimulate individual and collective growth.

3. Open and inspiring leadership

Leaders play a key role in promoting a “growth mindset.” They should be open to the ideas of others, curious, persistent, and resilient. They should also encourage collaboration and trust within the team.

III. What are the expected benefits of a transition to Growth Mindset in business?

By adopting a “growth mindset”, businesses can expect numerous benefits. Employees will be more committed, motivated, creative and innovative. In addition, this mentality allows entrepreneurs to continue to evolve and challenge each other, which is essential in a constantly changing world.

In the age of artificial intelligence and the constant transformations of jobs, moving from “fixed mindset” to “growth mindset” is not only an opportunity, but also a necessity to remain competitive and evolve. Continued personal and professional development is the key to long-term success for individuals and businesses.

At Talentis, our teams will be delighted to work with you to implement solutions to move from a “fixed” to a “growth mindset”.

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