Can a manager really go on vacation?

Can a manager really go on vacation?

Rare are the leaders who don't feel guilty when it's time to go on vacation. Impression of abandoning your business, fear of suddenly feeling useless... However, it is essential to Let go. Valérie Rocoplan, director and founder of Talentis, tells us why.

For a manager, taking a vacation is not as simple as that...

It all depends on whether he is a business manager, owner of his company, or a manager, who obviously has neither the same responsibility nor the same investment.

For a business manager, real vacations hardly exist. When he leaves for two weeks or for a weekend, he never cuts out completely: he must respond to emergencies and devote time to checking his e-mails, or even isolating himself to solve a problem that cannot wait. For him, nothing is imposed : it is a choice that must however be accompanied by a strict rule. The company manager must be obliged to “pick up” by spending just one hour a day reading emails or making a few calls that can't wait. But that presupposes a big personal discipline.

What about an employee manager?

An employed manager of the company has the possibility of taking a real vacation. To do this, it can rely on associate managers or on the senior employees to process your emails so as not to let an important message get through. This is not an obligation but it saves the manager from discovering several hundred emails to process upon returning from vacation!

What are the rules to be in place before going on vacation?

An employee manager must set up a “rules of the game” with his superiors as with his teams so as not to To be invaded while on vacation. In general, these are operating rules that are simple to follow: who is in charge of “day to day”? At what point can his assistance disturb him? In reality, only emergencies should, in principle, concern him.

However, some leaders find it difficult to let go...

Many leaders enjoy the idea of being Indispensables. It is a trap that, if they are not careful, can make them fall into addiction. This often translates to a anguish, that of saying to yourself: “I can go on vacation and not be useful”, “He could forget that I am important”... In fact, it's worrying for the wrong reasons.

Why is it essential to take time out to recharge your batteries?

Whether it's about vacations, weekends, evenings alone, sports... it is essential to Take breaks and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. If only to last over time. When leading a team or a company, taking a step back and disconnecting is essential. Doing something else, occupying your mind elsewhere is vital to revitalize yourself and regain energy. Paradox: it is by learning to break with the daily life of the company that we can best think about the future and the strategy of this same company. On vacation, the ideas are clear, no interruption interferes with the thinking... Everything is becoming more fluid.

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